Workstation 7.1 beta

symbianflo's picture

The VMware Workstation Team is excited to invite you to participate in the Workstation 7.1, Player 3.1 and ACE 2.7 Beta program.

To download the beta software and for more information about the new features visit

Release highlights include:

- OpenGL 2.1 for Windows 7 and Vista guests
- Overall graphics performance improvements
- 8-way SMP
- 2TB virtual disks
- OVF 1.0 support
- Icons to launch applications in Unity
- Automatic software updates
- Fedora 12 guest support

-Pentru mai multe :Release notes

-Please submit any bugs, comments, suggestions or questions to the Beta Community site

ca de obicei dupa login aveti o cheie de activare provizorie:
License Key:
(expires 2010-05-15)
In rest nu sunt limitari in folosire cu exceptia datei limita .
stiu ca e partial comercial dar vmplayer si vmserver sunt gratis pentru uz personal,
in plus vmplayer stie cam 80% din ceea ce poate workstation deci amatori de vbox , qemu etc
pot incerca si vmware
PS.vmserver nici o noutate sorry.