Warly paraseste Mandriva

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cgherman's picture
Warly paraseste Mandriva

Hello all,

This is with a bit of sadness that I announce you my departure from
Mandriva next Friday, February, 16th.

I have been release manager for more than 7 years for 14 consumer
products from Linux-Mandrake 7.0 to Mandriva Linux 2007 and 4
corporate ones, plus tens of other minor versions. I will keep a bit
of Mandriva in me, and, I hope, Mandriva will keep a bit of me.

But it is now time for me to move on, because I have other things to
discover, new challenges to achieve, and likely because Mandriva would
surely benefit from another way of doing things.

I have committed a lot of errors, made a lot of bad choices, hurried a
lot of decisions, but whatever would have been Mandriva in a different
context, I do not regret what I did and even if things could have been
done differently, we have always work together to make the
distribution progress, and this is by itself a great accomplishment.

Anyway, I wish you all the best. I hope to stay in contact with most of
you. You will be able to get some clues about my future by checking
http://daily.warly.org from time to time.




Regret personal acest lucru si consider ca munca sa a insemnat ceva pentru Mandriva.

admin's picture
Raspuns: Warly paraseste Mandriva

Hmm, dupa plecarea lui Gael si Warly, in moc cert Mandriva nu mai este ce-a fost odata. Sunt curiosce va urma.
In ciuda tuturor asteptarilor unora, cred totusi ca Mandriva merge acum pe un drum bun.

Raspuns: Warly paraseste Mandriva

maaxx wrote:
In ciuda tuturor asteptarilor unora, cred totusi ca Mandriva merge acum pe un drum bun.

Ce te face sa crezi asta?
Eu cred ca daca faci totul "ca la carte" ani in sir iar unele rezultate dorite nu apar sau nu au acea amploare pe care o doresti ca urmare a efortului depus poate este cazul sa schimbi ceva. Poate chiar si pe "cei mai buni" oameni cu care lucrezi :) 

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.