Minitunes perntu Mandriva 2009.1&2010.0

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symbianflo's picture
Minitunes perntu Mandriva 2009.1&2010.0

Minitunes e un player demn urmas a Amarok 1.4 , scris in qt4 &c++
Chiar daca e un release WIP deja promite foarte bine .
Vine de la acelasio programator care dezvolta Minitube

"This is a first step towards the release of Minitunes, the music player that will change your living room for good. If you have one, that is. Anyway, code quality is at a historic low, features are at best incomplete or completely broken. It may not compile, it may even move the window buttons on the left, no wait that’s another story.

Enough with disclaimers. The code is hosted at Gitorious. If you’re interested in building it, get it with Git and follow the INSTALL instructions. If you like what you see and feel you’re in the right place at the right time, then please consider joining the project. It’s gonna be fun."
To Do:
- Playlist delegate
- Filesystem model
- Search
- Finder navigation: back button
- Lyrics
- Shuffle and wraparound

## Minor stuff
- Stop when finished
- Restart playback
- Artist hover: show number of album, songs & total duration on the status bar

# Bugs
- Infinite loop in scanner with "Barabba" => "I Barabba" ( issue)

Disponibil ptr mdv 2009.1&2010.0 x86_64


symbianflo's picture
Update: a iesit Minitunes

a iesit Minitunes 0.1rc se apropie de iesirea primului release stabil ,
disponibil pe mrb ptr 2010.0 si 2010.1 x86_64 MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are